Erik Makkinga
Erik Makkinga and his colleagues from Leiders in Duurzame Ontwikkeling specialise chiefly in construction. They attended the “Force of Images” workshop as part of their personal leadership and career development.
Leadership and the force of images
‘During our joint training course on the “Essentials of Leadership” at B-dare, we discovered the force of images / metaphors. We would like a follow-up, geared in particular to personal and career development.’
A career in images
‘Meditation techniques have enabled us to view our life as a film projected backwards, starting from the present and going back to the past, to reverse the course subsequently by rewinding this film. We drew the main images on a long sheet of paper – our life path, and added the career path. By going over the paths and asking each other questions, we managed to reach the required depth. Finally, we evoked our future career prospects through meditation.’
Physical experience
‘The force of drawing. When you go over images, you can distinguish the differences in energy. I have experienced physically moments of doubts and/or instability in the past and others when I trod with a steady step, taking difficult decisions at times.
The image at the end of the career path is still a challenge, because to get there entails departing radically from my current day-to-day activities. But we will get there.’
Would you advise others to contact Parabel?
‘Yes. The method is extremely accessible. Patricia is a good listener and knows how to ask the right questions at the right time. She does not give any standard advice, but tries to tackle the problem together with you and to find a solution. She is also very enthusiastic.’
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